Mr. President,

On behalf of the G-77 and China, allow me at the outset, to thank the Secretary General for his well-structured analytical reports, which present a clear and comprehensive picture of the progress so far achieved for the attainment of the Millennium goals.

Mr. President,

At the moment the international community is looking forward to an accelerated and effective implementation of the Millennium Declaration goals and targets for the benefits of our respective populations, new and complex threats emerged thus endangering the good atmosphere of international cooperation and consensus which remains indispensable for the attainment of durable peace and development.

Restoring this atmosphere of international cooperation and consensus remains, in our view, the main objective, which should guide our collective multilateral action in order to preserve and reinforce the credibility of our universal Organization.

A responsible commitment, without reserve, on the part of the international community, particularly of developed countries, in a solid and fruitful cooperation for the achievement of sustainable development for the benefits of all, remains a vital prerequisite for further reinforcing the confidence in our UN system in these difficult times.

We have taken note of the significant progress made in the achievement of the developmental objectives enshrined in the Millennium Declaration and in the major UN major Conferences and Summits.

However, the prospects for the African Continent remain a source of concern. Indeed, the number of people living in extreme poverty is expected to decrease in all regions of the world except in Africa where the expected population increase will not help control the spread of poverty and therefore hinder the efforts towards the attainment of sustainable development.

The attainment of sustainable development is a process, which depends on a number of factors; particularly the reinforcement of financing for development (through, dept relief and ODA increase) as well as the success of trade negotiations currently undertaken under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

We share the Secretary General's view that a reinforced, balanced and equitable international trade is one of the means to assist the developed countries, particularly the LDCs, to eradicate poverty and famine and to achieve the Millennium goals.

Doha Declaration underscored the importance of putting the issue of development and the interests of the poor at the center of trade negotiations. Unfortunately, the subsequent discussions within the WTO did not succeed to ensure a concrete follow-up to this Declaration.

The failure of Cancun negotiations should encourage us to intensify our efforts to attain, in a near future, satisfactory results in order to restore confidence and give a positive signal to world economy.

The High-level dialogue on financing for development, as a global follow-up and coordination mechanism, should allow, in the long term, for a coherent consideration of the implementation of the commitments made at the Monterrey conference in order to evaluate the progress achieved.

The United Nations action to accelerate the implementation of the Monterrey Consensus should be combined with an intensive cooperation on the part of the other stakeholders, including the Bretton Woods Institutions, WTO, private sector and civil society.

Sustainable development requires, in addition to a good economic situation, an adequate food security and education.

We would like to underscore the efforts undertaken by the UN system to improve access to food and medical treatment and encourage the reinforcement of an international cooperation supported by the multilateral and bilateral donors in order to help developing countries elaborate, adjust and strengthen their respective food security and agricultural development pertinent national strategies.

The endorsement by the UN Institutions of a strategy aiming at the achievement of the Millennium development goals is a commitment, which will contribute, without any doubt, to the attainment of national priorities of developing countries.

Improving the quality of reports and analysis of indicators at the national and international levels is essential for the evaluation of the progress made in the attainment of the Millennium Declaration goals. The latter constitutes, as underlined by the Secretary General, a major challenge which requires a collective action.

Mr. President,

Agenda 21 and Johannesburg Plan of Action, which constitute a repertoire of commitments in the domain of sustainable development, require practical measures for their implementation.

We would like to recall in this regard, that the 11th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development has succeeded in establishing a multi-year program of work (2004-2017) which will preserve the momentum generated by Johannesburg world Summit.

During this session, the role of the G-77 and China was essential in elaborating this program, which will help reinforce the implementation of and follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Indeed, the multi-year Program of work will permit, during the review sessions, an evaluation of the thematic and cross-cutting issues identified within the frame of the Johannesburg Plan of action in order to spot constraints in their implementation and take consequently, during the policy sessions, additional measures to enhance the process of their implementation.

Also, during this session, the G-77 and China endeavored to ensure that the multi-year program of work comprises all the issues and cross-cutting issues identified in the WSSD and ensure an equitable treatment of all identified thematic issues and that consideration of a number of issues during a given cycle will not undermine the importance of the commitments undertaken with regard to other issues to be examined in the following cycles.

By adopting the multi-year program of work, the international Community has currently at its disposal a road map for the attainment of sustainable development goals.

Next year, the vital questions of water, sanitation and human settlement will be the objects of an evaluation within the Commission on Sustainable Development. We hope that the launching of the multi-year program of work through the examination of these issues be crowned with success and inspire confidence and demonstrate a real willingness to materialize the objectives of sustainable development.

Mr. President,

A reform is another decisive step towards restoring confidence in our Organization. We are convinced that reforming the multilateral institutions turns out to be more than ever necessary in order to enable our Organization tackle, with efficiency, the challenges our world is facing.

A reform should not be viewed as an end in itself but should rather aim at reinforcing international cooperation and implementation of the commitments made during the UN Conferences and Summits in order to allow the developing countries, particularly the LDCs, to achieve the Millennium development goals for the economic and social welfare of their peoples.

In June 2003, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on the integrated and coordinated follow-up to major UN conferences and Summits in which it reaffirmed the willingness and determination to implement and respect the commitments made and to place the achievement of the development goals set forth by the UN at the center of the cooperation and development policies. Also, the General Assembly underscored that the achievement of the first seven Millennium development goals depends on the goal number eight pertaining to means of implementation.

Therefore, and in anticipation of the 2005 Summit, it is incumbent on all Member States and UN organs to translate the provisions of this resolution into reality. The 2005 summit will constitute an opportunity to evaluate progress made at the global level in the implementation of the multiple international commitments and to examine ways and means, which will lead to the attainment of development goals within the set time limit.

Mr. President,

The United Nations are holder of a universal and ethical message enshrined in the objectives and principles of the Charter that any institutional reform should, for the sake of efficiency, maintain and reinforce.

This is the challenge we should jointly confront through a collective and concerted action where all Nations, big and small, should bear their part of responsibility in order to preserve future generations from the scourge of war and agony of misery and illiteracy.

Thank you, Mr. President.