85. The Conference reaffirmed the important role of technical cooperation among developing countries as an instrument for the promotion and implementation of ECDC, and in this respect reaffirmed the pertinent recommendations contained in the Buenos Aires Plan of Action.

86. With a view to promoting the reinforcement of TCDC, the Conference furthermore recommended:

  1. Priority utilization of the skills and opportunities available in the developing countries;

  2. Undertaking a study aimed at drawing up a model contract defining the conditions for recruiting experts from the developing countries. A group of experts shall be convened to study this matter prior to the end of 1982;

  3. Creating or reinforcing the TCDC systems at the national level, in cooperation with the ECDC focal points, with a view to gathering, processing and disseminating information concerning the methods, knowledge and experience acquired and opportunities available in matters pertaining to TCDC;
  1. Increasing cooperation and cooperation among the national TCDC system so as to study the methods which will ensure optimum use of the human and financial resources available for TCDC at the bilateral, regional and international levels.

87. The Conference took note of the UNDP project for a Development Information Network (DIN) for information flows among developing countries in support of economic and technical cooperation among developing countries and requested the Group of 77 in New York to review progress made on the implementation of the project, with a view to ensuring that this proposed project would contribute to the attainment of the objectives of economic and technical cooperation among developing countries.

88. The Conference recommended that, to the above ends, a biennial meeting of the heads of national technical cooperation agencies of the Group of 77 be convened, in accordance with the provisions contained in the mechanisms for coordination agreed to in this Conference. This meeting will also be entrusted with the task of helping in the follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of the recommendations in the field of TCDC adopted in the Conference in the areas of trade, technology, food and agriculture, energy, raw materials, finance and industrialization.

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