Welcome to the onine media centre for the IFCC-X. This site is designed to provide easy access to information about the IFCC-X for members of the internationals press corps. Included in this site are all of the relevant press communiques regarding the IFCC-X, a photo gallery, the media accredidation form, and logistical information for media covering the conference from Tehran. Members of the media with questions regarding their coverage of the conference should contact Mr. Brett Bruen in the Office of the Chairman at (212) 963-4777 or via email at g77off@unmail.org.


Chairman Marks Anniversary of the G-77; Announces Developing Nations Conference

High Level Conference Will be Held in Tehran From 18-23 August, 2001

UNITED NATIONS (13 June, 2001) - The Chairman of the Group of Seventy-Seven (G-77), Ambassador Bagher Asadi (Islamic Republic of Iran), will mark the commemoration of the 37th anniversary of the establishment of the Group of 77 with a press conference to be held this Friday at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The press conference will be held Friday 15 June, 2001, in the press briefing room 226 of the United Nations Secretariat building at 11AM. The Chairman will talk about the accomplishments of the G-77 over the past thirty-seven years, as well touch on the future of the G-77, including the announcement of a major conference on South-South cooperation to be held in Tehran, from the 18th through the 23rd of August, 2001.

The G-77 is the largest coalition of developing nations in the world. The Group was founded 15 June, 1964, by seventy-seven developing countries at the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The Group has since grown to 133 nations, representing almost all of the developing world, including China. Over the past nearly four decades, the G-77's role and influence have expanded as seen most recently at last year's South Summit.

Building on the work of the South Summit, the G-77 will hold the tenth session of the Intergovernmental Follow-up and Coordination Committee (IFCC-X) in Tehran from the 18th through the 23rd of August. This high level conference will focus on building greater economic cooperation among developing countries. The Chairman will provide more background on the IFCC-X at Friday's press conference. Journalists unable to attend the conference can access the Chairman's statement, photos, and an audio recording of the press conference on-line at www.g77.org. Information regarding the IFCC-X, including media accreditation and logistical information for covering the conference, will be available through the Office of the Chairman, following the press conference.

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Developing Nations to Meet in Tehran

Conference to Strengthen the Economic Independence of the South in a Global Economy

UNITED NATIONS (15 June, 2001) - Ambassador Bagher Asadi of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Chairman of the Group of Seventy-Seven (G-77), announced today at the United Nations Headquarters in New York that the Islamic Republic of Iran will host the tenth meeting of the Intergovernmental Follow-up and Coordination Committee on Economic Cooperation Among Developing Countries (IFCC-X) from 18 to 23 August, 2001 in Tehran. The announcement came during a press conference to mark the 37th anniversary of the G-77. The conference will work toward strengthening the economic independence of the South in a fast globalizing economy.

"The IFCC-X conference represents a significant step forward in strengthening mechanisms through which developing countries can achieve economic progress by engaging in South-South cooperation," remarked Ambassador Asadi. "This conference provides an opportunity for the South to pool our collective knowledge, resources, and potentialities in various fields of cooperation toward the promotion of the well being of all the people of the South."

The conference is being sponsored by the Group of Seventy-Seven, which represents 133 countries, including China, and is the largest coalition of developing nations in the world. The conference will be continuing the work of the ninth session of the IFCC which was held in Manila, Philippines (1997), along with building on the work of last year's historic South Summit in Havana, Cuba. The G-77 Chamber of Commerce and Industry, made up of representatives of the business community of the developing world as well as the heads of the National Focal Points for South-South Cooperation of G-77 member states, will be convening during the IFCC in an interactive dialogue to further strengthen South-South trade, specifically in the areas of e-commerce.

The conference will be attended by high level officials from members states of the Group, guest countries, along with other intergovernmental, and nongovernmental organizations from the South. As an integral part of the IFCC conference will be a meeting of the economic groupings and organizations of the South which will take place with a view to addressing the challenges of globalization facing the developing world and characterized by economic blocs, subregional, and regional economic integration around the world.

Accreditation and registration forms are available for journalists interested in covering the conference. Requests for media accreditation can be submitted to either the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations or to the Iranian Foreign Ministry in Tehran. During the conference members of the media will be able to access statements, presentations, audio recordings, and photos of the conference at the conference's web site: http://www.g77.org/ifcc. Members of the media with questions regarding their coverage of the conference should contact Mr. Brett Bruen in the Office of the Chairman at (212) 963-4777.

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Les Pays en Développement se rencontrent à Téhéran

Une Conférence pour Renforcer l'Indépendance Economique du Sud à l'heure de la Mondialisation de l'Economie

NATIONS UNIES, New York (15 Juin 2001) - S.E. M. l'Ambassadeur Bagher Asadi de la République Islamique d'Iran, Président du Groupe des Soixante-Dix Sept (G-77), a annoncé aujourd'hui au siège des Nations Unies à New York que la dixième session du Comité Intergouvernemental de Suivi et de Coordination sur la Coopération Économique entre les Pays en Développement (CISC-X) aura lieu en République Islamique d'Iran du 18 au 23 août 2001 à Téhéran. L'annonce a eu lieu lors d'une conférence de presse tenue pour marquer la commémoration du 37ème anniversaire du Groupe des 77. La conférence visera au renforcement de l'indépendance économique des pays du Sud à l'heure de la mondialisation rapide de l'économie.

" La dixième session du CISC représente un pas en avant au niveau du renforcement des mécanismes permettant aux pays en développement de parvenir au progrès économique à travers la coopération Sud-Sud ", selon M. l'Ambassadeur Asadi. " Cette conférence offre une opportunité au Sud de mettre en valeur nos connaissances, ressources et potentiels collectifs dans des domaines variés de la coopération pour la promotion du bien-être de tous les peuples du Sud ".

La conférence est parrainée par le Groupe des Soixante-Dix Sept (G-77), qui représente 133 pays, y compris la Chine, et qui est la plus large coalition au monde de pays en développement. La conférence continuera le travail de la neuvième session du CISC qui a eu lieu à Manille, Philippines (1997), tout en prenant en considération le travail accompli l'an dernier lors de l'historique Sommet du Sud tenu à La Havane, Cuba. La Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du G-77, composée de représentants de la communauté des affaires des pays en développement, ainsi que les respnsables des Points Focaux Nationaux pour la Coopération Sud-Sud des Etats membres du G-77, se réuniront pendant le CISC-X dans un dialogue interactif afin de renforcer le commerce Sud-Sud, tout spécialement au niveau du commerce électronique.

Des hauts fonctionnaires des Etats membres du Groupe prendront part à cette conférence, ainsi que des pays invités et d'autres organisations intergouvernementales et non-gouvernementales du Sud. Une partie substantielle du CISC-X consistera en une rencontre des groupements et organisations économiques du Sud dont l'objectif sera de discuter des difficultés rencontrées face à la mondialisation à laquelle sont confrontés les pays en développement, laquelle se caractérise par des blocs économiques et des mouvements d'intégration économique au niveau régional et sous-régional à travers le monde.

Des formulaires d'accréditation et d'enregistrement sont disponibles pour les journalistes intéressés par la couverture de la conférence. Les demandes d'accréditation peuvent être soumis soit à la Mission Permanente de la République Islamique d'Iran auprès des Nations Unies, soit au Ministère Iranien des Affaires Etrangères à Téhéran. Durant la conférence, les membres des médias pourront accéder aux déclarations, présentations, enregistrements audio, et photos de la conférence sur le site web de la conférence : http://www.g77.org/ifcc. Les membres des médias ayant des questions concernant la couverture de la conférence peuvent contacter Mr. Brett Bruen au Bureau du Président au (212) 963-4777.

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Pictures from Tehran coming soon.



There will be a Media Centre at the conference site, which will be equipped with telephone lines, fax machines, internet access, and outlets for computers and other electronic equipment. A schedule of press conferences and other events will be made available to members of the media upon their arrival.

Media representatives will be issued press badges that will need to be worn at all times and will be necessary to obtain access to the Media Centre.

Journalists covering the IFCC-X conference will need to fill out a form for media accreditation with the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations or with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran. These forms can be obtained through the Office of the Chairman at the United Nations Headquarters in New York or at the G77 website: www.g77.org/ifcc

All documentation, including statements, press releases, and conference documents, will be available online at www.g77.org/ifcc. Also available on this web-site will be audio recordings of press conferences and proceedings of the conference, along with photos from the conference.



Download Media Accreditation form for IFCC-X in .PDF format.

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