Results of PGTF - Project INT/90/K03

INT/90/K03 - In-depth review of the actions taken by the international community in favor of the particular needs and problems of the land-locked developing countries and a basis for new strategy to overcome these needs and problems in the future

Submitter: Center for the Study of International Relations and Development (CERID) from Bolivia
Subcontractor same as above
Priority area: Technical cooperation among developing countries
Participating/beneficiary countries: 19 countries (Afghanistan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Paraguay, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe)
PGTF input (US$): 95,000
Other inputs (US$): 23,800
Date of implementation: 1991-1995
Impact: Inventory of a large number of studies and projects served as a basis for recommending a coordinated action. In particular it is recommended that a high level office be created with a view to coordinating joint efforts of the land-locked counties at the international level, in particular those related to international trade.

Contact:   Centro para el Estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales y el Desarrollo (CERID)
Calle Rosendo Gutiérrez Nº 550 (Sopocachi)
Casilla 11228
La Paz, Bolivia
Telephone and Fax: +591-2-242-2275
E-mail: info @

Final Report:

    • INT-90-KO3-FinalReport.pdf  *  [Language: English; Size: 4254KB]

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      * Note: The reports posted have been prepared by the submitting institutions and their content is the sole responsibility of their authors. Please forward any inquiries or requests for further information to the contact person provided and kindly send a copy to the Office of the Chairman of the Group of 77 for our records.