M. Chairman,

1. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

2. Let me first congratulate you on your election as Chair of this Subsidiary Body. The Group of 77 and China assures you of his support to ensure that this session of SBI will be a fruitful and proactive one.

3. The G77 and China would like to congratulate the State of Qatar for hosting the COP18 and providing its support to enable the organization of the activities of this important event.

4. The Group of the G77 and China expresses its readiness to work with you in a constructive manner taking into account the concerns and interests of all members of our group in a Party-driven process in order to achieve a real progress during this session and encompassing all issues of the SBI agenda.

5. With regard to the National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention and the Status of submission and review of the fifth national communications, the G77 and China is concerned by the increasing of emissions of some of those countries.

6. The G77 and China calls on the Annex I parties to intensify their efforts in reducing their GHG emissions in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol.

M. Chairman,

7. The Group stresses on the necessity for developed countries to support parties not included in Annex I Parties of the Convention in order to ensure a full preparation of their national communications. In this regard, adequability, stability and predictability of funding are particularly crucial. In this regard, the continuation of the Consultative Group of Experts on Non-Annex I National Communications will be essential in providing necessary support to the members of my group.

8. The Group would like to recall that since Cancun, additional reporting obligations for developing countries were established, which represent a new burden for them.

9. The Group recalls the importance of the instruments and processes agreed in Durban to ensure better information on mitigation and, in the case of mitigation by developing countries, the corresponding support received from developed countries. In this context, the Group recalls the need to operationalize ICA in a non-intrusive manner. The GEF should be encouraged to provide the necessary financial and technological support to developing countries so that they can meet their obligations in time.

10. We consider that the elaboration of the prototype registry must take into account the diversity of the nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties, while providing some guidance to Parties on how best to present their NAMAs in a manner that will facilitate the matching of these NAMAs with the necessary support.

11. The G77 and China looks forward to engaging constructively in the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures at the Subsidiary Bodies as well as to the work program to address this impact. It's important for the G77 and China to see a real and concrete progress in that direction given the diversity of economies which are affected by the mitigation actions of developed countries.

12. The Group considers the Work Program on loss and damage as a key framework to ensure a full implementation of adaptation actions to address the adverse impacts of climate change in developing countries.

Mr. Chairman,

13. Adaptation is an issue of central concern to members of the Group of 77 and China. At this session we look forward to making progress in this area under a number of agenda items, including the review of the Adaptation Fund, and the development of national adaptation plans. We welcome the recommendations of the LDC Expert Group

14. The Group reaffirms that adaptation must be funded and sustained in an equal manner as mitigation. In this regard, we call for more resources to the adaptation fund under the Kyoto Protocol and LDC Fund under the Convention. The group looks forward to seeing further advances in this area in providing the means of implementation to the developing countries, particularly, the least developed countries for the preparation of their national adaptation plans and a new support to developing climatic models.

M. Chairman,

15. The G77 and China welcomes the efforts made by the Technology Executive Committee during its latest meeting. A valuable progress was made but there are two serious hurdles facing this process: the first one is the intellectual property rights issue. The other issue is relating to the hosting of the Technology Mechanism.

16. During this session, we would like to define the new program on Article 6 of the Convention relating to education, training and public awareness in order to achieve the goals of the Convention and a full implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions. This new program should have annual follow up, with capacity development activities and technical support for developing national strategies on Article 6 and an appropriate and effective implementation of Article 6.

M. Chairman

17. The Group of 77 and China reiterates the necessity of an effective participation of Palestine in the UNFCCC process, and to have the right of access to funding from different climate change sources. Furthermore, we request the SBI to provide financial support for the participation of the Palestinian delegation in the meetings of the convention and the Kyoto Protocol.

Finally, M. Chairman,

18. The Group of 77 and China is fully committed to achieve a success of the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties which will be held in Doha.

I thank you.