Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

I have to honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

The Group values this opportunity to share its views on the food-for-thought paper that you have provided. We would at the outset like to thank you for your efforts in preparing and sharing this paper which is helpful to frame our discussions.

Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

The Group firmly believes that the mandate provided by GA resolution 68/6 for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda is through a process of intergovernmental negotiations.

As such, this process must be member-state driven and conducted as per standard modalities for intergovernmental negotiations in the General Assembly underpinned by the rules of procedure of the General Assembly and ECOSOC.

For this purpose, it is essential that member states negotiate and adopt a detailed modalities resolution prior to the commencement of the intergovernmental negotiations.

The resolution on the modalities of the Post-2015 Summit, which is yet to be adopted pending agreement on the dates, does not in any way indicate that a further modalities resolution on the intergovernmental negotiation process is not needed. On the contrary, in the view of the Group, OP 15 of this resolution clearly mandates that a new modalities resolution must be adopted to constitute the agreement among member states on all related issues.

A modalities resolution is also a must to provide transparency and clarity to all member states and all other stakeholders regarding the process, working methods, scope and timelines of the intergovernmental negotiation process.

The Group would therefore request you to provide a definite roadmap for negotiations among member states so that a Modalities resolution is adopted before the commencement of drafting sessions as envisaged by you.

Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

Regarding the proposed timeline of the negotiating sessions, the Group believes that sessions should not be clustered together too closely and that adequate time must be made available between sessions to enable the Group to effectively coordinate positions and for delegations from developing countries to effectively participate in the drafting sessions.

The preparatory process must facilitate the effective participation of delegates from Capitals. Delegates from developing countries must be supported to ensure their participation.

Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

In terms of scope, the Group does not support the idea of the so-called 'technical proofing' of the targets contained in the SDG report. Any re-opening of the SDG document will inevitably disturb the delicate political balance contained in the SDGs and this will not be helpful for negotiating and adopting an ambitious post-2015 development agenda.

On the development of indicators, more discussion and clarity is needed for an acceptable way forward.
The Group of 77 and China is also concerned about the concept "UN fit for purpose". It is indispensable that, before start to negotiate the agenda, more information about the implications, scope and objectives should be provided to all Member States. G77 and China does not support the idea of linking Human Rights, Peace and Security with the Post 2015 Development Agenda.

While coordination with other processes may be useful, we are not sure how this process can be coordinated with the negotiations under UNFCCC which has its own timeline and integrity. While we need to foster coherence, we also need to be cautious in creating artificial linkages with distinct negotiation processes which may not necessarily be helpful.

For the Group of 77 and China is also important to guarantee the full and effective participation of all delegations from the developing countries in the negotiation process. This implies that the UN Secretariat should provide the necessary resources for the participation of at least one delegate from all developing countries in all the preparatory meetings.

Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

The Group believes that a strengthened and revitalized global partnership is essential for the success of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, and must be a priority of the intergovernmental negotiations. The discussions on a strengthened global partnership will no doubt benefit from the discussions under the FfD process, but these discussions cannot be artificially restricted to any one process.

In particular, the Group of 77 and China emphasizes the need to allocate adequate time for deliberations on the institutional arrangement of a mechanism to facilitate clean and environmentally sound technologies for developing countries. Since Rio+20, member States have discussed institutional options for such a mechanism and the structured dialogues held during the 68th General Assembly year provided us with concrete recommendations in this regard. We noted with appreciation the reference on the issue of technology facilitation, but we believe that there is need for reference to the establishment of a mechanism and to the relevant UN documents on this issue, including GA resolution 68/310, adopted by consensus less than three months ago.

We trust that you will conduct the consultations in the coming days with a view to the adoption of the modalities resolution to be adopted as soon as possible so that substantive negotiations can begin at an early date.

Before concluding, let me assure you of the full cooperation from the Member States of the Group 77 and China.

We thank you once again.