Mr. Chairman,

Ecuador has the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

The Group would like to express its willingness to work constructively throughout this session, to remain fully involved with the process while it stresses the need to continue to move forward with the implementation of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement, by increasing ambition of actions and support and strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change in accordance with the principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.

Mr. Chairman,

The Group is of the view that the SBI must work in an open, transparent, balanced, Party-driven, and inclusive manner and for that objective, the Group would like to express its view on the following items of the Agenda, having in mind that by defining clearly our objectives for each agenda item, we will make progress, including, for fulfilling our mandate for 2018.

1. Regarding the international consultation and analysis (ICA) process (item 2), the Group reiterates the facilitative nature and the importance of this process to lead to the identification of capacity building needs of developing countries, in order to enhance capacities for the reporting of information in subsequent biennial update reports BURs.

2. On the operation and use of a public registry for NDCs and Adaptation Communications, the Group stresses the need for these discussions to be coordinated and maintain coherence with those that deal with similar issues under other bodies and between themselves.

3. Regarding the modalities and procedures for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (item 7), the Group believes that we should avoid duplication and overlapping of discussions by focusing on the essentials taking into account SBSTA work under agenda item 10.

4. With regards to National Adaptation Plans NAPs, the group expects to further explore the interlinkages between -NAPs (item 9) and Means of Implementation - (MOIs); particularly with regards to financial resources for planning and implementing adaptation actions as well as for evaluating and determining priorities and needs of developing countries. Furthermore, we urge developed country Parties to provide adequate support to developing country Parties in meeting the cost of their adaptation actions.

5. Regarding the development and transfer of technologies (item 10), the Group would like to emphasize the importance of the financial support by developed countries in line with their obligations under the Convention and the Paris Agreement so as to enable technology transfer. The work of the SBI should focus on technology development and transfer, as well as transparency so that the Technology Mechanism could enhance actions on technology development and support the implementation of the Convention and its Paris Agreement. The Group would further like to have deliberate enhanced support for the implementation of the outcome of the Technology Needs Assessment and facilitated access to technologies.

6. The Group believes that the review of the role and the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) (item 11) should be aimed at allowing the SCF to fully achieve its mandate of assisting the COP with respect to the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, including on the measurement, reporting and verification of financial support and mobilization of financial resources and to oversee all financial flows that are provided and mobilized for the implementation of obligations under the Convention and the Paris Agreement. On the Adaptation Fund, we note that the only concern raised in the first two reviews of the Fund has been on the issue of sustainability and predictability of Funds and note that the outcome of this Third Review is crucial for the decision pending on the Fund definitely serving the Agreement as of 2018.

These financial matters need to be advanced, notwithstanding the current uncertainty regarding the scale, flow, and novelty and additionality of climate finance from developed countries to developing countries, which has a direct impact on the ability of developing countries to fully implement their commitments under the Convention and the Paris Agreement.

7. On response measures, the Group reaffirms the importance of giving full consideration to identify necessary actions to meet the specific needs and concerns of developing country Parties arising from the impact of the implementation of response measures and to avoid the negative economic and social consequences of response measures on developing countries. The Group welcomes the first technical expert group meeting on the impact of implementation of response measures and looks forward to the inputs and recommendations from the experts to support the work of the improved forum. We should provide sufficient space and time for TEG members to make their contributions, which will allow the improved forum to achieve concrete outcomes as envisaged by parties. The group also emphasizes the importance of working on the modalities, functions and work programs for the forum under the Paris Agreement.

8. Regarding the Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings (AIM) (item 15), the Group would like to emphasize the urgent need to define the role of non-state actors within the process of UNFCCC ensuring the full consistency with its country-driven nature, including the need to have a clear, legal, policy framework to protect the objective, purpose and principles of the Convention and the Paris Agreement from conflicts of interest.

9. Direct access of all developing country parties of the Convention and Paris Agreement to means of implementation including finance, technology transfer and capacity building provided by multilateral supporting mechanism should be simplified and granted to ensure proper implementation of climate action plans and the achievement of the objectives of the Convention.

10. Regarding the financial matters on agenda item 16, the Group stresses its concern on the actual budget allocation and the capacity of the Secretariat to fulfill with its mandates and work programmes so as to pursue the objectives of the Convention. We stress our concern regarding the current state of the budget and the need to think strategically on the way forward so that this process continues to be based on science. The Group insists on the key role of the IPCC and it troubles us that a wrong message could be sent from this process if the institution that generates the science we claim to base our work on, is thwarted in its capacity to work effectively at this time of geopolitical uncertainty.

11. G77 and China welcomes the Marrakech decision to further the Lima work programme on gender and climate change. We view gender as a cross-cutting issue that affects the response to climate change and sustainable development. Gender responsiveness is very critical with regards to the global quest for sustainable and inclusive development in the context of climate change. Hence, the call to develop a gender action plan to support the implementation of gender related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC process is timeous.

12. The important work carried out by the SBI has always played a fundamental role in strengthening the implementation of the Convention. As we are now preparing the groundwork for the Paris Agreement, that applies only to the Parties that have ratified it, the tasks mandated to this Subsidiary Body will therefore contribute tremendously to enhancing the implementation of the Convention.

13. On accounting of financial resources, the Group reaffirms that the modalities for accounting of financial resources by developed country Parties to developing country Parties, mobilized through public interventions, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, must aim to provide transparency and consistency. The reported information must also be comparable and verifiable. No developing countries are to be excluded from receiving financial support for their enhanced climate change actions whether they have or have not ratified the Paris Agreement.

14. We would also like to begin exploring the possibility of considering loss and damage at these inter-sessional meetings, not just once a year at COP meetings, as is the current procedure. We hope to be able to discuss this with the current and incoming presidencies at this session for decision at COP 23.

15. Mr. Chairman, the Group would like to express the urgent need to accelerate the implementation of pre-2020 commitments and actions for a solid foundation for the post-2020 implementation, including the ratification of the Doha amendment. We request all developed country parties to increase the ambition of their pre 2020 mitigation efforts and to enhance the provision of finance, technology development and transfer and capacity building.

16. Finally, we reiterate the importance of the synergy in all the bodies of the UNFCCC and the need to respect different national capacities and circumstances. We are committed to achieve the long-term global goal including on mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer and capacity-building and we assure you Mr. Chair of our trust in your leadership and our willingness to have fruitful discussions during this session.

Thank you.