Distinguished Chair,

I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. At the outset, allow me to express our appreciation to you Chair and your facilitators for the efforts made during this session and express our views on the following agenda items.

1. On Agenda Items 5 and 6, we welcome the progress made. On the development of modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, we believe that the registration of the NDC needs to be made only by the focal point. In addition, the registry must be clear and transparent. It is necessary to guarantee the security of the registration system so that the information cannot be manipulated.

2. With regard to NAPs, the Group reaffirms the important role of adaptation planning in reducing climate vulnerabilities of local communities and look forward to further to address in COP23 the interlinkages between NAPs and MOI, with a view to enhance access to finance and technology support on capacity for the formulation and implementation of NAPs.

3. On item 10, we think the work must continue on the approach and modalities for the periodic assessment of the Technology Mechanism in relation to supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement; the evaluation should be coherent, cross-functional, and participatory.

4. On Capacity Building - we welcome the 6th meeting of the Durban Forum on "Enhancing capacities for adaptation in the context of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)". This provided a good basis for sharing experiences and lessons learnt. However, we are disappointed that not sufficient time was given to discuss the annual monitoring and evaluation of the Capacity Building framework in Developing Countries. We trust that in the next session sufficient time will be provided to ensure that all agenda items are dealt with in a balanced manner.

5. On the review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance, we note that the COP adopted a set of Terms of Reference to guide this review and we highlight, in accordance with the conclusions from this session, the importance of the SCF strengthening the role of the Committee in providing MRV of the support provided to developing country parties from developed country parties.

6. On item 12, there have been advances in issues related to the development of capacities for developing countries. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that there are still needs in our countries and it is therefore necessary the provision of resources, planning and monitoring of capacity development activities.

7. On item 13 b), the Group emphasizes the importance to identify necessary actions to meet the specific needs and concerns of developing country Parties arising from the impact of the implementation of response measures and avoid its negative economic and social consequences. The group welcomes the findings of the first meeting of the TEC which would help to enhance the work of the Forum. In this regard, we look forward to enhanced actions through strengthening institutional arrangements and the establishment of a cooperative mechanism to address the adverse impacts of the implementation of response measures on developing countries. Moreover, following decision 11/CP.21, it is important to move towards the implementation of an enhanced forum and technical group of experts to allow for an institutional arrangement post 2020 in the context of the Paris Agreement.

8. Regarding item 15, the Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings, the group welcomes the conclusions resulting from the informal consultations of these past two weeks, which invites the Secretariat to promote the openness, transparency and inclusiveness with regard to the participation on non-Party Stakeholders in the UNFCCC process, while allowing Parties to submit their views and take stock at SBI48 on how the existing practices and procedures can be improved in order to ensure that such participation and engagement of non-Party stakeholders is aligned with the transparency, inclusiveness and legitimacy of the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement.

9. On budget, we reiterate our concern on the focus that the initial proposal had, in particular with regards to the provision of funds for non- mandated activities, the engagement to non-party stakeholders, and the inclusion of many of these activities in the core budget while the implementation of actions by constituted committees and mechanisms under the Convention remained under supplementary budget and dependent upon additional financing. Nonetheless, we appreciate the conclusion that the group has reached, including with regard to organizing a technical workshop in the margins of SBI47 to better understand the work and focus of the Secretariat.

10. We stress the need to promote synergies between the subsidiaries bodies to facilitate coordination and exchange of information to achieve collective goals for COP 23 and 2018.

11. The Group also highlights the urgent necessity to enhance pre-2020 actions and support as a solid foundation for the post-2020 implementation. Adequate support to developing country Parties is a must in meeting the cost of their adaptation actions.

12. We reiterate the importance of the future work of the SBI, which should be focused on technology development and transfer as well as on transparency of support, taking into account the specific needs and concerns of developing country Parties.

The G77 and China conveys its appreciation to you, Mr. Chair, and reaffirm its commitment to continue engaging in the process the next session.

Thank you,